Tuesday, July 01, 2008

As my son and I passed through Idaho on the way to Yellowstone Park, we discovered that the wild flowers in the area of the old Mac's Inn were at their zenith. There were, in many locations, hundreds of acres of wild daisies blooming, among which were an occasional yellow of blue flower. Unfortunately, the mosquitos were as thick as the flowers!

Most Park visitors end up at Artists Point for a view of the upper Yellowstone Falls, but too few, I think, observe the delicate colors of the canyon itself which are just across and to the north of the observation area.
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Anonymous said...

Gomen kudasai.

Amy said...

Beautiful pics! I love reading your blog and seeing all the beauty that is on our great earth. It makes me want to take care of it more! I am not a good photographer by any means but I appreciate the talent of it very much.