Monday, July 14, 2008


Next door to several subdivisions of large and expensive homes sits this empty field and a large abandoned barn which is sucumbing to age and neglect. I'm sure the owner of both the barn and the property have lost interest in farming and are just waiting for the right offer from an enterprising subdivider. Then it's off to Southern Utah, Arizona or California where the winters are milder and the living is good! I guess you can't stand in the way of progress (?), but I hate to see all the farms and orchards getting paved over.
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Amy said...

I agree. No more stucco McMansions in shades of tan are needed in this state! I just want to go buy land with an old home somewhere in Cowley; where old barns remain and open land is not a thing of the past.

Shon O said...

The open fields and the old barns are some of my favorite things about living in the WY and MT areas. I always look at them and think of how it must have been to settle here, and how every thing was once so wild and untamed.

Joan said...

I love this picture too because it just makes me think of simpler times. I use to run around Cowley all day long without a single worry. I had Deanne Hally, a water color artist from Idaho paint me 3 pictures of old barns and houses.
