Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Second Sign that Spring has Sprung

Everyone should know by now that honey bees are almost an endangered species and that their dwindling numbers are a mystery, but their demise would be a castastrophe for farmers who depend on them to pollenize their crops, and therefore, by extension, for anyone who likes to eat. This little guy is out early and maybe this is an indication that things may be on the upswing.
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Amy said...

I LOVE honey and miss the stuff we used to buy in Cowley/Lovell. It was the best honey! I actually had a bee hoover around my head the other day at my parents house. Check out this awesome website!:

Joan said...

My problem is that I can't tell the difference between the honey bees and all the other bees. I need a crash course. I am inundated with hornets around my house.