Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Spring has Sprung

  When we went to bed last night our little flower bed was drab and bare except for a few sad looking pansies that had survived under the snow. The sun came out today and south winds raised our temperatures to the low sixties. I went outside my front door, and, much to my surprise, a dozen or so little crocus' had poked their blossoms out and unfolded them to take in the warmth. My attitude has just improved immensely!!
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Amy said...

How amazing that they grew so fast! They are like children! I never understood why the term "pansy" is used to describe a "whimp" of a person since they are such a tolerant and strong flower!

Margaret Kay said...

Yeah! Their beautiful (as is the photo). Except winter will still be lingering at my house. We seem to be several weeks behind the rest of the valley.

Joan said...

I don't know why I don't plant these. They really are the first flowers to pop up and they are darling. I am putting some in this fall. They are always the first hint that Spring is almost here. Way to go posting again so soon. I check every day to see if you have posted.