Monday, May 05, 2008


After a period of intense (!) self analysis I have come to the conclusion that I get more pleasure out of what I see than most people do. I think I would die if I lost my eyesight.

I am always surprised that so many people are willing to spend a substantial amount of money to explore a new country or some beautiful location but are content to just look and have no interest in capturing it through photography. I think there are people who get their joy primarily from doing, and those who get theirs primarily from seeing. For example, some people, on seeing a beautiful sea shore, want to go surfing...I want to take pictures of it! Now of course most of us are not completely one way or the other, but I think we tip in one direction.

As I get older, I am becoming increasingly intolerant of winter. I am a color person, and winter is black and white. Here are a few photos that symbolize what is so wonderful about Spring.
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Joan said...

Oh Uncle Richard, I am with you. I am such a visual person. I have a bird feeder and a humming bird feeder in my yard and watch them constantly. I had a canary family in my tree by my deck and sat all day watching them teach the babies to fly. I was so sad when they all left. I never get tired of the mountains, trees etc. Nothing makes your soul sing like the beauties of the earth. They are all reminders of God's love for us.


Richard said...

Joan, I could tell from the way that you commented so touchingly about your little dogs that you and I are cut out of the same fabric! I had a little poodle for 15 years and when I had to put him to sleep I grieved for two years. Many of his little quirks sound so much like your little Fozie and he was so smart I almost thought of him as human. My little grand daughter, Brooke said to me, "You know Grandpa, when you die you will see him again." She is in kindergarten.